My friend Naomi posted this passionate plea on Facebook yesterday and I have to share…because she is SPOT ON with this shit! Please take a moment to read…and THINK Thx. 🙂
(Warning: there may be some curse words sprinkled here and there. She’s pretty upset/passionate…as she should be!)</em)

“OK, I’m going to do something I NEVER do….I’m going to rant about politics. I am starting to get very frightened by my friends’ beliefs regarding the upcoming elections. I KNOW Obama has not been perfect, has there ever been a perfect president???? But, when I start hearing the same crap I heard back when everyone was stupid enough to vote Green Party I start to really question some people’s common sense.

Voting because you “are following your hippy heart” is all swell and good, but it is not realistic and doesn’t work in the real world. The fact of the matter is, if we don’t band together and back Obama for another term (even if you don’t like him) you’re going to end up with Romney. Have you taken the time to really understand what a fucking douche bag, hypocrite, upper crust, women hating, ass wipe this man is??????????? Really????

Just because you choose to not vote, or vote for Micky Mouse, does not take away from the fact that this scum of the earth will be our next president if we don’t stick together on this. It’s another George Bush waiting to happen people. PLEASE cast your vote with intelligence!!!!!!!!!!! I’m fucking begging you.

This is an election where we have to think with our heads and not our hearts. Our freedoms and futures depend on it. I am FUCKING BEGGING YOUPlease do not skip voting…or vote for your dad or Jesus. We need our votes to count – count against the Christian Right Wing Republican War Monger Wealthy 1% Ass Hole Douche Bag Moron from getting into office. This is actually important!

This is no longer about whether you “like” Obama. It is about the greater good.”

THANK YOU, Naomi! ♥ ♥
(re-posted with permission)
